Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pro tip #1: Hide quiz answer keys as comments in Microsoft Word

There are some great books out there on improving teaching practice, pedagogy, history of education, ed policy etc. But sometimes the day to day minutiae can detract from grand plans, and what you really need are tips and systems to improve efficiency:

The Problem: you lose answer keys for quizzes OR spend a lot of time making quizzes only to realize you forgot to put in an answer key while you made it OR you are reusing quiz questions from year to year and you know you had that answer key somewhere....

Pro tip: as you write the quizzes in Microsoft Word insert comments on the correct answers.


  1. Easy to hide from students, just click Review > Final (to show again click Review > Final: Show Markup)
  2. Keeps track of your answer choices between school years
  3. Easy to move answer choices around to create multiple versions of the quiz/test - just copy and paste, the comment will move with the answer choice.
  4. Easy to pull up if a student misses a quiz and needs to make it up in office hours (all digital instead of shuffling around papers on a desk)

Caveat emptor - this is a part of an occasional series, these are all small ideas, none are earth shattering, but they have been helpful to me. Have other pro tips?Feel free to share in the comments.

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